
Teach and learn in the browser, no setup required.

That was and still is the intention behind tech playground.
Over time I added more and more tools, as you can see in the changelog

Frequently Asked Questions

Can my tool be added to tech playground?

Generally yes, I love adding new tools to tech playground! Since my time for working on this is limited there are some things you can do to help me decide.

If you are a user of a tool: You can alway suggest it to me, which does influence how I prioritize adding new tools.

If you are the maintainer of a open source tool and would like to use tech playground as your official playground get in touch with me and we can figure things out!

If you are a company and would like your tool to be added: Get in touch with me. You can sponsor a playground, which gives you some cool benefits and helps support tech playground for everyone.

Why do timestamps in the logs not line up with my time?

There can be multiple reasons for timestamps not being what you expect.

First, all playgrounds run in UTC, which might not be your local time.
Second, and also likely, executions are cached to speed up the playgrounds for everyone. There is no exact number on how long a execution stays in cache as it depends on the amount of requests received for it. If you are curious you can also see if you got a cached response in the Nerdy details of each playground.

Documentation Overview

Server Playgrounds

Template Engine Playgrounds

Net Tools

Acount & Snippets

