Ansible Template Playground
This playground renders a Jinja template using Ansibles ansible.builtin.template
We really run Ansible for you, so this is not just yet another Jinja playground that is missing most of Ansibles filter plugins.
In fact there are quite a few collections installed.
This is the context provided to your template for rendering.
It has to be valid yaml or json and will be loaded to a native data structure using ansible.builtin.include_vars
Available Ansible Collections
We install Ansible with something like pip install ansible ansible-core
so there are quite a bunch of collections, and their filter plugins, pre-installed:
Ansible provides a great overview of filter plugins for these collections.
$ ansible-galaxy collection list Collection Version ---------------------------------------- ------- 9.1.1 ansible.netcommon 7.1.0 ansible.posix 1.6.2 ansible.utils 5.1.2 2.7.0 arista.eos 10.0.1 awx.awx 24.6.1 azure.azcollection 3.1.0 check_point.mgmt 6.2.1 chocolatey.chocolatey 1.5.3 cisco.aci 2.10.1 cisco.asa 6.1.0 cisco.dnac 6.28.0 cisco.intersight 2.0.20 cisco.ios 9.1.0 cisco.iosxr 10.3.0 cisco.ise 2.10.0 cisco.meraki 2.20.5 cisco.mso 2.9.0 cisco.nxos 9.3.0 cisco.ucs 1.15.0 cloud.common 4.0.0 2.4.1 9.0.0 community.ciscosmb 1.0.10 community.crypto 2.24.0 community.digitalocean 1.27.0 community.dns 3.1.2 community.docker 4.3.1 community.general 10.3.0 community.grafana 2.1.0 community.hashi_vault 6.2.0 community.hrobot 2.1.0 community.library_inventory_filtering_v1 1.0.2 community.libvirt 1.3.1 community.mongodb 1.7.9 community.mysql 3.12.0 5.1.0 community.okd 4.0.1 community.postgresql 3.10.2 community.proxysql 1.6.0 community.rabbitmq 1.4.0 community.routeros 3.3.0 community.sap_libs 1.4.2 community.sops 2.0.1 community.vmware 5.3.0 2.3.0 community.zabbix 3.2.0 containers.podman 1.16.2 cyberark.conjur 1.3.2 cyberark.pas 1.0.30 dellemc.enterprise_sonic 2.5.1 dellemc.openmanage 9.10.0 dellemc.powerflex 2.6.0 dellemc.unity 2.0.0 f5networks.f5_modules 1.34.1 fortinet.fortimanager 2.8.2 fortinet.fortios 2.3.9 1.5.0 grafana.grafana 5.7.0 hetzner.hcloud 4.2.2 ibm.qradar 4.0.0 ibm.spectrum_virtualize 2.0.0 ibm.storage_virtualize 2.6.0 ieisystem.inmanage 3.0.0 infinidat.infinibox 1.4.5 infoblox.nios_modules 1.7.1 inspur.ispim 2.2.3 junipernetworks.junos 9.1.0 kaytus.ksmanage 2.0.0 kubernetes.core 5.1.0 kubevirt.core 2.1.0 lowlydba.sqlserver 2.5.0 1.8.0 netapp.cloudmanager 21.24.0 netapp.ontap 22.13.0 netapp.storagegrid 21.13.0 netapp_eseries.santricity 1.4.1 netbox.netbox 3.20.0 ngine_io.cloudstack 2.5.0 2.4.1 ovirt.ovirt 3.2.0 purestorage.flasharray 1.32.0 purestorage.flashblade 1.19.2 sensu.sensu_go 1.14.0 4.0.0 telekom_mms.icinga_director 2.2.2 theforeman.foreman 4.2.0 vmware.vmware 1.9.0 vmware.vmware_rest 4.5.0 1.13.0 vyos.vyos 5.0.0 wti.remote 1.0.10
Each playground execution has 5 seconds to load your data and render your template with it.
Should it not finish within that time it will be forcefully stopped and whatever information could be gathered will be returned.